Saturday, January 4, 2014


I sit and wait for my heart to mend, I start to feel like I'm a trend. One day in and one day out, it makes me want to scream and shout. I'm a person with feelings too, life isn't always just about you. I wonder if you'll ever see, what is really meant to be. I think all day and pray all night, hoping someday you'll see I'm right. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


A lonely man, looking for a place to rest his head
not a rock or a tree, but something comfortable instead
looking for some water to drink with his piece of bread
remembering all the street signs he's read,
all the people's faces and what they've said

The man, he finds a place to rest
though it may not be the best
he lays on his back, his arms crossed over his chest
he closes his eyes and speaks to God, "am I blessed"
lightening strikes, he hears a voice tell him. "NOW you are blessed"

In the morning he awakens by the sun
he hears the voice again, "YOU are the one"
getting scared he tries to run
alone once again, he grabs his gun
puts the weapon to his head, "I'M NOT the one"

He pulls the trigger as tears roll down his face
he says he'll never find his place
the weapon clicks, and he looks at empty space
angrily he speaks, "I just want to be with Grace,
no longer can I keep up with this race"

The man sat back
on the sidewalk crack
tired and lonely and dressed all in black
"Oh please" he cried "will you kindly give me some slack?"
A voice answered back, "Go, back to the shack and find a sack."


My desire yearns for your touch
I can't understand why I need you so much
My desire cries with every thought of you
Only you can make my dreams come true

When you are near me I quiver inside
And if you need me I'm by your side
You stimulate my body and mind
My emotions aren't easy to find

My heart is so lonely without you here
As long as we are together I have nothing to fear
The glitter in my eyes, the tears in my cries
Love never dies, not ever in my happy skies

I think of what could've been if we never met
My life is the best I ever thought it could get
Just keep telling me you love me
From the fires below to the blue above me

And I'll answer your words
With a song from the birds:
Perfect is you and perfect is me
Perfect is us, a circle of free
All that I want is you
and you want me too
So that gives me just one thing to do...


All I need is a friend
All I need is somebody to listen
A shoulder to cry on
A warm bed to lie on
All I need is a hand
All I need is a finger to guide me
A warm hand to hold me
Somebody to show me
Where has my life gone wrong?

All I need is a friend
to stay with me til the end
All I need is an ear
when no one is here
All I need is some love
and some warmth from above
All I need is my eyes
so when I'm alone I can cry

All I need is somebody to listen
A shoulder to cry on
A warm hand to hold on to me

All I need is someone
to do all that is undone
Will you come to me
and let me be me
Because that's all I need
Accept who I am
Whatever I am
Because that's all I need.


I am just a man
I do everything I can
to keep my spirit high

My music helps me escape
and it give me my shape
and it keeps my spirit high

My writing is my release
when my emotions do not cease
and it keeps my spirit high

My loneliness won't disappear
and I sit alone in fear
and it makes my spirit cry

I'm always looking for a way
I find I'm running every day
to find my spirit in the sky

I cover myself with a tender laugh
my personality cut in half
and it makes my spirit sigh

It's so difficult to find
an intellectual mind
to make my spirit high

To share my world with you
would make my dream come true
and would make my spirit high.


A vision of a body with wings
A song of somebody who sings
A picture of what beauty is
A letter from the love he calls his
A loneliness he's always called home
A ringing from the telephone

When the one you love, calls you up
Just to tell you, you're not the one
Not the one she wants to make love to...

A knock on the door in the evening
Asleep, I awake myself from my dreaming
Slowly I open the door
Her body limply falls to the floor
Secrets she says she has to reveal
My nightmare now frighteningly real

When the one you love, calls you up
When she tells you a secret, she got fucked up
A fatal mistake she can never forget...

Nursing her now fatherless son
At a tender age of twenty-one
Jobless, single mother she weeps
All the memories she'd rather not keep

When the one you love, calls you up
And tells you how she got fucked up
But it's not the story you expect it to be
'Cuz the story ends with "He raped me"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


As I watch you walk away
You just take my breath away
Your dress clings to your side
You just leave, emotions tied

The stomping of your feet
Makes my body weak
And you walked right through the door
All you took from me was yours

So I turn the other way
Without a word to say
All that's on my mind
The words I just can't find

Down the road you go
Who you are I just don't know
Now you're leaving me, alone
You're the only one I've known

Why the hell are you leaving me
What have I done wrong?
Is this a false reality
I've been living for so long?

Now you're gone, I'm alone again 
You'll come back, I don't know when
This unfamiliar loneliness
The one I've loved, the one I miss 
Take away this hurt and pain
I never want to feel this loss and pain

Never again.

One day you'll come back to me
I can feel it in my heart
My feelings should be plain to see
I've felt this from the start

I'm hopelessly in love with you
I know you know my love is true
You can't deny the truth in this
We both knew when we first kissed

When I wake up you'll be with me
As though you never went
Look in my eyes and you will see
Every word I meant

I lay here lying in our bed 
Hoping you'll come back instead
I hear a ring, the telephone
I try to move but turn to stone
The machine picks up, I hear your voice
Saying that you've made a choice
You realize now you've chosen wrong
Now you say it won't be long
      'Til you come back to me....

I see you walk right through the door
I turn the other way
"I can't take this anymore"
You turn to me and say:

"I was wrong to ever go
I cry because I miss you so
Just hold me tight and don't let go
I couldn't let my feelings show
Will you forgive me ever dear?
This is real I am sincere
Now I'm back you're holding me
I'm not a fading memory"
"I wish that I could find the words
To express what's in my heart"
Don't you worry about the words
Just promise we won't part

"I promise I will never leave
And I will never make you grieve
I am here and here I'll stay
Every hour of every day"

We are one and always will
Forever and when times stands still
We are in love, yes this is true
In life and love just me and you
Now here you are my brown eyed girl
Let's go out and see the world
We'll go to France or maybe Greece
Anywhere we will find peace

Just hold me close and say you'll stay
Don't you ever go away
"I promise you I'll never go
believe me please I mean it so"
When we first met I fell in love
You are a blessing from above
I promise I will cherish you
From now, forever, our whole life through
We are one we always will
Forever and when time stands still
We are in love yes this is true
Into the sky beyond the blue. 


Sometimes you'll learn
Sometimes you'll pray
Sometimes you'll wash your dreams away
Sometimes you'll leatn
Sometimes you'll cry
Sometimes you'll wonder why
Sometimes you'll learn
Sometimes you'll bleed
Sometimes you will follow who you lead
Sometimes you learn
Sometimes you love
Sometimes you'll feel for each of us
Sometimes you come
Sometimes you'll go
Sometimes you are not who we know
Sometimes you swim
Sometimes you drown
Sometimes you're stronger when you're down

Sometimes you'll walk
Sometimes you'll run
Sometimes you'll stay when all is done
Sometimes you're good
Sometimes you're bad
Sometimes you're happy when you're sad
Sometimes you yell
Sometimes you'll scream
Sometimes you're more than what you seem
Sometimes you'll read
Sometimes you'll write
Sometimes you'll find me in the night
Sometimes you'll bend
Sometimes you'll break
Sometimes you give more than you take
Sometimes you'll learn
Sometimes you'll teach
Sometimes you're never out of reach.