Thursday, January 2, 2014


A lonely man, looking for a place to rest his head
not a rock or a tree, but something comfortable instead
looking for some water to drink with his piece of bread
remembering all the street signs he's read,
all the people's faces and what they've said

The man, he finds a place to rest
though it may not be the best
he lays on his back, his arms crossed over his chest
he closes his eyes and speaks to God, "am I blessed"
lightening strikes, he hears a voice tell him. "NOW you are blessed"

In the morning he awakens by the sun
he hears the voice again, "YOU are the one"
getting scared he tries to run
alone once again, he grabs his gun
puts the weapon to his head, "I'M NOT the one"

He pulls the trigger as tears roll down his face
he says he'll never find his place
the weapon clicks, and he looks at empty space
angrily he speaks, "I just want to be with Grace,
no longer can I keep up with this race"

The man sat back
on the sidewalk crack
tired and lonely and dressed all in black
"Oh please" he cried "will you kindly give me some slack?"
A voice answered back, "Go, back to the shack and find a sack."

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