Thursday, January 2, 2014


My desire yearns for your touch
I can't understand why I need you so much
My desire cries with every thought of you
Only you can make my dreams come true

When you are near me I quiver inside
And if you need me I'm by your side
You stimulate my body and mind
My emotions aren't easy to find

My heart is so lonely without you here
As long as we are together I have nothing to fear
The glitter in my eyes, the tears in my cries
Love never dies, not ever in my happy skies

I think of what could've been if we never met
My life is the best I ever thought it could get
Just keep telling me you love me
From the fires below to the blue above me

And I'll answer your words
With a song from the birds:
Perfect is you and perfect is me
Perfect is us, a circle of free
All that I want is you
and you want me too
So that gives me just one thing to do...

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