Thursday, January 2, 2014


All I need is a friend
All I need is somebody to listen
A shoulder to cry on
A warm bed to lie on
All I need is a hand
All I need is a finger to guide me
A warm hand to hold me
Somebody to show me
Where has my life gone wrong?

All I need is a friend
to stay with me til the end
All I need is an ear
when no one is here
All I need is some love
and some warmth from above
All I need is my eyes
so when I'm alone I can cry

All I need is somebody to listen
A shoulder to cry on
A warm hand to hold on to me

All I need is someone
to do all that is undone
Will you come to me
and let me be me
Because that's all I need
Accept who I am
Whatever I am
Because that's all I need.

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